Super Texture v1.82 for Blender Free Download

Download Super Texture v1.82 for Blender latest full version offline complete setup for Windows. Generate PBR textures from any image in Blender! Super Texture is a one-click addon for generating multiple PBR maps from a single image.

Super Texture v1.82 for Blender Review

Super Texture is a powerful add-on for Blender that allows users to generate highly detailed and realistic textures with ease. It provides a wide range of procedural texture generation tools, enabling artists to create intricate patterns, materials, and surface effects in their 3D models. With Super Texture, users can experiment with various inputs, such as noise, gradients, and masks, to produce intricate and unique textures.

Super Texture v1.82 for Blender Free Download

Furthermore, the add-on offers the flexibility to tweak and customize these textures, adjusting parameters like scale, rotation, and color, to achieve the desired aesthetic. Super Texture is a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced artists, empowering them to enhance the visual quality of their Blender projects.



  • Procedural Texture Generation: Super Texture provides a wide range of procedural textures that can be generated with customizable parameters, including noise, gradients, patterns, and more. These procedural textures can be seamlessly tiled and adjusted for scale, rotation, and color.
  • Advanced Masking: Users can create detailed and intricate masks to control the distribution of textures on their models. This allows for precise control over where and how textures are applied, enhancing the level of detail and realism.
  • Texture Mixing and Blending: With Super Texture, artists can mix and blend multiple textures seamlessly. This feature enables the creation of complex and varied materials that incorporate different textures and patterns.
  • Texture Layering: The add-on supports layering of multiple textures, allowing users to stack and combine different textures to achieve desired visual effects. This feature offers great flexibility in texture creation and experimentation.
  • Texture Baking: Super Texture also provides texture baking capabilities, allowing users to convert procedural textures into image maps. This is useful for optimizing render times and achieving consistent results across different platforms or software.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The add-on is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced artists. The intuitive controls and organized workflows make it easy to navigate and experiment with texture creation.

Technical Details

  • Software Name: Super Texture v1.82 for Blender
  • Software File Name: Super Texture v1.82 for Blender.rar
  • Software Version: 1.82
  • File Size: 1 MB
  • Developers: Blender Market

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10,11
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB
  • Installed Memory: 512 MB
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later
  • Graphics card with 1 GB RAM, OpenGL 3.3
  • Blender version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

How to install Super Texture v1.82 for Blender?

  • Install Blender First
  • Open the software, click Edit (EDIT) → Preference → Plug-in (Aadd-ONS) → Install
  • Restart Blender, you can see the installed plug -in in the file → user settings → plug -in

Super Texture v1.82 for Blender Free Download

Download Super Texture v1.82 for Blender free latest full version offline direct download link full offline setup by clicking the below button.

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