VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3 Free Download

Download VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3 latest full version offline complete setup for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. It analyzes statistics on your character, word, and line frequency with the help of this lightweight software utility that could prove quite handy in linguistics studies.

VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer Overview

The GUI packs two central buttons, allowing you to load your text from a file and initiate the analysis. However, you can also paste your text into the main window, look at it, and make necessary modifications. Moreover, as for the statistics the software utility provides you with, they are offered in a new window organized into several tabs.

VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3 Free Download

The General section informs you about the total number of characters, words, employed lines, and how many unique elements are in your text. Moreover, character, word, and line frequency can also be interpreted, with each item being associated with details regarding the number of instances it appeared in your text. Besides, the frequency is also expressed in percentage points to overview your linguistic habits.

Features of VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer

  • Synonyms can be displayed by right-clicking any word in the results window.
  • More comfortable exploring the results of your quest in a CSV file
  • Average Word Length: Calculates the average length of words in the text.
  • Average Sentence Length: Determines the average number of words per sentence.
  • Flesch-Kincaid Readability Index: Measures the readability of the text based on factors like sentence length and word complexity.
  • Gunning Fog Index: Provides a readability score that takes into account sentence length and percentage of complex words.
  • Coleman-Liau Index: Evaluates the readability of the text using factors like average word length and average sentence length.
  • Automated Readability Index (ARI): Calculates the reading grade level required to understand the text.
  • SMOG Index: Estimates the years of education needed to understand the text based on the number of polysyllabic words.

Technical Details

  • Software Name: VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer for Windows
  • Software File Name: VovSoft-Text-Statistics-Analyzer-3.4.rar
  • Software Version: 3.4
  • File Size: 3.41 MB
  • Developers: vovsoft
  • File Password: 123
  • Language: Multilingual
  • Working Mode: Offline (You donÆt need an internet connection to use it after installing)

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Win 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Free Hard Disk Space:
  • Installed Memory: 1 GB
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later
  • Minimum Screen Resolution: 800 x 600

VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3.4 Free Download

Download VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3 free latest full version offline direct download link full offline setup by clicking the below button.

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