VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software Free Download

VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software is a powerful security application to keep your data secure through the encryption process. This free download is a standalone installer of VeraCrypt Encryption Tool for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit architecture.

VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software Review

Nowadays when the most important need of anyone is the security of data. In this fast world, anyone can steal your data by compromising your network or by many other mechanisms. VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software is specifically designed for advanced security of the computer by ensuring the encryption of the whole partition so that if anyone cracks your firewall and enters your computer, he can not be able to access your secret information and data without your permission.

Download VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software

This wonderful tool adds an extra layer of security to you data. It advanced encryption algorithms based on TrueCrypt. As the encryption process is specifically designed to handle brute-force attacks. It does not have any impact on the performance and the speed of the data access. VeraCrypt is easy to use software with a very lightweight environment.

Features of VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software

Some of the features of VeraCrypt are:

  • Lightweight and easy to use data encryption tool
  • Completely free application
  • Can encrypt whole drives
  • Based on TrueCrypt
  • Protection against Brute-Force attacks
  • Does not impact the performance
  • Many other advanced options

System Requirements for VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software

Before you download VeraCrypt, make sure that your system meets the given requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Free Disk Space: 50 MB of free hard space required
  • Installed Memory: 512 MB of RAM required
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later

VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software Free Download

Click the below link to download the standalone installer of VeraCrypt Disk Encryption Software for Windows x86 and x64 architecture. It is compatible with all the new and older releases of Windows OS.

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